HEY YALL. ZARINA HAS A BLOG NOW. Yeah, Zarina's my awesome cousin. She writes Life Isn't Rocket Science People, which I think is wonderful name. Have some quotes from her.
"Scaring random people in shopping malls is my favorite pastime."
*I am pantomining Rolling in the Deep as it plays on the radio*
Zarina: I don't know you and most certainly am not related to you.
"Peace love and all that jazz."
*to me* "You could be in a Kingdom Hearts game because you have ridiculously long eyelashes and big feet."
"[In a story she's writing] I'm planning on killing the sister's boyfriend and putting the boyfriend in a coma for a year. My imagination is just a barrel of laughs, isn't it?"
"A geek is someone who eats the head off a live chicken in a circus. Do you do that? I think not, unless you have been keeping secrets."
"What the hell is Wally the Wizard anyhow?"
"Kill it! Kill it with fire! ...or water."
*On Kingdom Hearts pairing Sora x Xion (hinthint they're the same person hinthint)*
"That would either be narcissism or masturbation, whichever way you roll."
"Whoop de doodle doo."
"Your soul is a funny noise."
"The soul! It made another noise!"
Anyways, she's awesome an nearly as crazy as I am. Go read her blog. I order thee. It's PRETTY FRIGGIN AWESOME. Did you just read that in the exact way I would say it? I did.