Saturday, September 29, 2012

No More Sluttiness For Me

Today was homecoming. T'was sort of fun. I guess.

I made 12th chair at choir district auditions.

I have also realized that I have been acting like a lesbian whore to get a boyfriend, so I am going to stop that.

I might go into more detail on this later. I don't know. I'm really tired at the moment.


Friday, September 28, 2012


Well shit, I'm not dead after all.

What happened is that I was gone for awhile, and awhile got longer and longer because I was putting off writing a "I've-been-gone-and-here's-what's-happened" post.

So I won't.

Anyways, today was the homecoming carnival at school and it was a lot of fun. I hung out with Mirandola, Jetplane (who I never anymore and it's awful), Ninja (who I don't see either (equally awful)), and a girl in my choir who I shall call SopranoBuddy for now.

We did normal teenage girl stuff, I serenaded everybody because I'm fabulous, and yeah. Then SopranoBuddy left and it was our little group of three. Romeo came and hung out for a while too. And it was all very fun.

(This is totally just a post about all the random shit on my mind.)
