Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In Which My Horse Swears at Me

I have found my jam. In a musical sense.
Pictured: Not what I meant.

My jam is currently 'Up All Night' by Alex Clare. Youtube it, I'm too lazy to hyperlink.
Also, I recommend 'Too Close', which is also by Alex Clare and has some badass dubstep. But back to the above song, it's awesome because the music video is about really dedicated athletes, and (judging by my awful, awful farmer's tan) I'm a really dedicated athlete! Geddit? Geddit?

Plus, I'm often up until all hours of the night simply because my brain thinks sleep is for losers.

However, I think that if I showed up at the barn in the middle of the night to get a good ride in, Juliet would be all "bitch, it's two in the morning and I am trying to sleep. Fuck off." Because she's grumpy like that. But with enough carrots she'd totally let me get on bareback and gallop around in the field. But neither of us would be able to see, so we'd probably run into a fence or something.

I just realized I referred to myself as a 'really dedicated athlete'. The most productive thing I did yesterday was stand in the shower. Like, not even take a shower. I just stood there and got wet. I mean, I was sick, but still.

I just answered the phone and it was some guy I didn't know. I talked in Spanish and he hung up. I AM SO FUCKING PROUD OF MYSELF. He was probably really confused, because I picked up the phone with "hello?" then proceeded to tell him I didn't speak English. It was awesome.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Differences of Opinion

I just had a conversation with my mother in which she told me in no uncertain terms that she didn't think I could shoot people. Not in a physical sense, my dad's taken me to a shooting range and I am perfectly capable of firing a gun, but in a sense that I could not handle ending someone's life.

Personally, I think I am personally capable of putting a bullet in somebody's brain. Provided they gave me a reason, of course.

Sometimes I think my mother really doesn't know me at all.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

In the Land of Zarina

I just attended Zarina's play! I found it very entertaining. She was attacked by a cricket and managed to keep her cool. That's class, people. Class.

First off, it was a dinner theater sort of thing, and the cast helped with the serving because they were understaffed. Let me just say that I was much more comfortable having Zarina as a waitress than I am at most restraunts. Because I hate people and stuff.

I put lots of sweetener in my tea, and it got on my fingers and looked like crack.

The table was rickety and cutting your meat made it jiggle.

We were provided with two forks, one for salad and one for the entree. Let me point out that everyone except me knew which fork to use when, and by everyone I mean my mother, various family, and my seven-year-old sister. Do they learn to differentiate between cutlery in grade school now?

So, all the actors were also waiters. I made a few wactress jokes that nobody found funny except for me.

There were lots of old buildings in the area. I was geeking out. It just really made me want to go and explore. My inner five year old is very prominent.

Because Zarina and I are related, I was obligated to be a total jerk to her and demand repeatedly that my steak be cooked medium rare. They were already cooked. She assured me she'd get right on it and then walked away. Rude. Ahaha I'm such a jerkass. Hahaha. Ha. Heh.

I would like to point out that I have had Harry Potter in 99 Seconds stuck in my head for hours now. Hours.

Dead cricket on the floor.

Live cricket on the floor.

Play was good and stuff. Yay!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Yay Internet

So, I was dabbling in the internet, looking at Sherlock fanart, and I found this:

Found it here
I shoul print these out and stick them places, except then I'd never study again. I don't actually study anyways, but whatevs.

I kind of want to hug Watson. And Moriarty, but I just want to always hug him in general. Is that bad? I think it's bad. But he's evil, campy, and giggly. Awesomeness.

//Fangirl out.


Small Victories

Guys? Guys. Guess what I just did. I just ordered takeout from a restraunt over the phone. I am very proud of myself right now.

See, Mom didn't feel like cooking today, so she wanted to order from my friend's parents' restraunt, which I was cool with. She wanted takeout too, which I was also cool with, because that meant I got to eat restraunt food, but at home. Then she wanted me to order, which I was not cool with.

Me: You realize that you are asking me to interact with other people?
Mom: Lani, it's over the phone.
Me: But I don't know how to order takeout over the phone!
Mom: See! It's a perfect opportunity to learn then!
Me: But... I have to talk to people.
Mom: Get what ever you want. And two orders of Pad Thai.

So, I called, ordered, and it was completely ordinary. The guy I was talking to could understand me and vice versa, I could readily answer all of the questions he asked, and there was no awkwardness at all!

Sorry if this seems pointless, but I do go to great lengths to avoid interacting with people I don't know, so this was a small victory for me.


It was just my dad getting home. That makes me sound really paranoid, but I was unaware that he was coming home today. He takes so many business trips that I've stopped keeping track of when he's not here. Which is kind of sad, now that I think about it.


Um, bye, I guess. Love y'all.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oh, The Shame!

I just scrolled through all of the old facebook pictures I have up, and it made me want to cry. Not the pictures themselves, as they were mostly nondescript headshots of my horse, but my comments and whatnot... ugh. Honestly, was I that much of an imbecile?

I don't just mean overuse of 'lol'. I mean 'c' for 'see', 'u' for 'you', 'your' for 'you're', 'you're' for 'your', and other such atrocities. I mean, I realize that I only recently became serious about my writing and speaking English properly, but goodness grief did I really suck that badly? *shame*

Not only am I guilty of awful annoying grammar, I also discovered that I had next to no sense of humor and no sense of how to work the internet.

I apologize to all of you who had to put up with me. Honestly, I want to travel back in time to smack myself in the face.


Monday, June 11, 2012

<Creative Title Goes Here>

The lovely RaeRae is now to be known as Jetplane!

Also, I would just like to say a big thank you to all of y'all (is that grammatically correct?) for purpose putting up with all of my weirdness about people and what not. I don't know what
I'd do without y'all. Probably what I did in junior high, which was mope around and be angsty 24/7. *Big mushy glomp via internet*

<3 <3 <3,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Geeking Out. The Usual.

HOLY-SHIT-Y'ALL. 1007 pageviews lolwut? Um, thanks guys! I love you very much! Um, so, if you read this and you don't me, could you please leave me a comment so I can meet you? I've enable it so you can comment even if you don't have a Google account. Thanks! ^_^

In other news, ohmigoodness this. It links to a video of Nunc Dimittis performed by the goup Voces8. Ah, so amazing. *dies* That 1st tenor solo is flawless, I swear.

I wish I could sing like that 1st soprano. Beautiful. (The other voices are amazing as well, I just tend to pick out the 1st soprano part because that's what I sing.)

The harmony is so amazing and pefect and whycan'tmychoirsoundlikethis.

Why yes, I am geeking out over classical music.

Now I'm listening to The Queen of the Night aria. You've probably heard part of it. Goodness grief so high. The particular version I'm listening to is by Diana Damrau. Someday I will be able to sing like her! Someday! Lol no I won't I'm nowhere near that amazing. Seriously though, her control, and range of course, plus the parts where she sings those runs a cappella.... O_O

And then I found this. Which is the same super-hard aria. Sung by a fourteen-year old boy. His high notes are simply fantastic. *cry* I'm so inferior.


The Summation of My Very Existence

     While in the shower (the place where I do most of my serious thinking), I contemplated making one of those "how people see me" memes.

Like so.

     As I was thinking about the pictures I could use, I kept coming back to this one shot that my friend Ninja took of me when we were working on an English project with Mirandola. Weird, I thought, I could totally use this for every "how ____ sees me".
     And that was how I found the picture that perfectly summed up my existence.

P.S. Ninja, I hope you don't find it weird that I went and liked/commented on this on fb when you put the album up a while ago. : /

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Bought A Clock

     I just bought a clock, y'all. Not just any clock, either, but a Salvador Dali clock. Bwahaha!

     Yup, I just bought one of those. It was a spur-of-the-moment deal where I was rearranging my favorites and I accidentally clicked on ThinkGeek and BAM there was this clock. It was even on sale for like ten bucks. Plus shipping, it ended up being more like twenty, but by then I'd already made up my mind that I was going to own a melted clock, come hell or high shipping.
     Then, upon prompting by the website, I made an account, and instead of an 'okay' button, it said 'make it so'. Then I was greeted by a little monkey, who welcomed me to the cult.
And I mean that literally.

     So, sometime within the next few weeks, I should get a melting clock on my doorstep. My mother is going to be very confused. It will probably go something like this:

Mom: What is this?
Me: Oh, that's the melting clock I ordered a while back.
Mom: ...What?
Me: I ordered a melting clock. This is it.
Mom: From where?
Me: Off the internet, Mom.
Mom: So that's what you do all day on your computer?
Me: Close enough.

     Ahaha I can't wait. >:D

11 Random Facts About My Life

1. Every single piece of clothing I am wearing was bought new for me. As in, none of my clothes that I have on right now are hand-me-downs or were bought from a used clothing store. You have no idea how weird this is. About 80% of my clothes were worn by someone else before me.

2. I am drinking iced coffee that I made all by myself from scratch. Well, the coffee beans were already ground, but whatever. It's not like I can't grind beans if need be. It's not that hard. Plus, it's almost 2 in the afternoon and I'm drinking coffee, so I'll probably stay up until one, which I do anyways, because I'm a teenager and it's summer.

3. I'm obscenely happy right now because a) I found zeeenya's tumblr and she draws Todd Allison and the Petunia Violet, a webcomic that I enjoy and already fangirled over in a previous post and b) I have comments on my last two blog posts by the lovely Ninja.

4. I just had way too much fun with hyperlinks.

5. I had an idea for a short story about a pair of teenaged ghost hunters that is nowhere near as awful as I just made it sound, and then my muse hit me over the head and ran away with my neat, tidy little idea and made it novel-length. Bitch.

6. I will probably post more about above story idea later when I have motivation. Or at least when I have less laziness. I never actually have motivation.

7. I have recently been thinking "I just want to go put a blanket over my head and pretend I don't exist" more than usual.

8. On an unrelated note, I sort-of helped Zarina get over her fear of thunderstorms when we were little by making her put a blanket over her head and pretend she was a sheep. Long story.

9. I really, really, want to see my friends soon, but I'm kind of scared to text everybody. I don't know why. So I put it on my blog because I know a couple of them read it. I'm so stupid sometimes.

10. I can't wait until I'm out of high school and I can live by myself. Then, I can sleep in when I want to, I can eat whatever I want, I won't have to hide my writing, and if I want to throw my pants on the floor, I will, because they're my pants and my floor. Plus, no one will ever tell me that I need to go do something and I can sit on my computer and avoid people all I want to.

11. I recently got Francine (my computer) back, 'fixed'. My screen's been freezing up, my internet's working even less than usual, and the screen went totally black yesterday for no reason. Definitely. Not. Fixed. Once Dad gets back, I'm asking him to reinstall SystemMechanicPro and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, because whoever 'fixed' Francine installed avast! Free Antivirus and it kind of sucks. And I just happen to really like SystemMechanicPro. So there.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


     My dad just came into my room and started poking around like a creeper. LOLWUTNO. Randomly going though the room of your teenage daughter is weird. Teenager in question does not appreciate it.
     He walked in as I was taking tags off stuff/on the computer/playing with the rubber band.
Me: ...?

     Then, he walked around my room, exaiming various bits of flotsam. Then he picked up a notebook that was lying open in which I had been scribbling a scene of one of my stories.
     And he read it.
     Let me repeat myself: He read my writing without permission.
     Nonononono. You do not ever ever pick up writing and just read it. No. That is my personal work and I will share it when I choose to do so. Just flipping through stuff I have laying around is rude, disrespectful, and a good way to get me to lose my shit really quickly. Especially if you've been walking around my room repeatedly picking up my stuff and asking "what's this shit?" AFJKGFKGGFAFEBH TABLE FLIP.
     Actually, if, say, you were to just look through my hard drive at my stuff that isn't fanfiction or awful poetry, I'd be cool with it. ('You' being you, the one reading this, because I probably know you in real life. If not, hello! I'm sure you're very nice.)
     So, Dad, I realize you consider the entire house yours and you're Batman and stuff, but going through my writing while asking "the hell is this?" makes me cry.

A Post in Which I Talk About Typical Teenage Girl Things. And Zombies.

     As a general rule, I dislike clothes shopping unless I am with my friends (because having your fellow idiots around makes everything better. ...Love y'all?). So, I went to Forever 21 with my mother and sister today because I need clothes that aren't riding tights or tank tops. Also, I had a gift card.
     The employees were rather unfriendly, and in the whole entire huge department store, there was only one dressing room. >.< So there were people there and it was notfun.
      But, I came away with a turquoise v-neck, some shorts, and a very nice skirt. That has suspenders. Suspenders. I am absolutely donning that skirt in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Not necessarrily becasue I think I'll fall to the zombies, but, yanno, just in case. Is currently crippled from ill-fitting field boots and at the moment perfect zombie fodder.
     Thoughts Upon Trying Skirt of Awesomeness:
1. Abovementioned use in zombie apocalypse.
2. If I can find a leather corset and aviator goggles, I could totally dress steampunk!
3. I WILL own a pair of suspenders, dammit! I WILL!

    So yeah. Boing Lani is boring.

     But suspendersssssss. Or braces, depending on how British you are. Maybe even add a bowtie. Or a fez. Go for a Stetson, if you're feeling badass. Be aware though, Stetsons are American.

     I apologize if the above paragraph made no sense to you. You poor, child, deprived of a wonderful fandom. Go watch Doctor Who, young one.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stuffy Sorts of Stuff and Such

     I must apologize to all of you for my recent inactivity. Stuff has been happening. Stuffy sort of stuff. I had a horse show last weekend, which I aim to write about. Notice how I used 'aim' instead of 'will' so that if I never actually do write about it, I'm off the hook because I only aimed to write about the horse show.
     But a lot of crap has sort of been going on lately. Not bad crap, just mundane, normal day-to-day life. So, I haven't been writing because I've been busy.
     That was a lie. It's mostly becuase I'm lazy. And I actually have been writing, it's just that I've been writing more prose/fiction type stuff than blog posts. But it's mostly because I'm lazy.
     Please forgive me, dear readers, and I promise I will try to not be a metaphorical fatass when it comes to keeping up with my blog.