Monday, June 11, 2012

<Creative Title Goes Here>

The lovely RaeRae is now to be known as Jetplane!

Also, I would just like to say a big thank you to all of y'all (is that grammatically correct?) for purpose putting up with all of my weirdness about people and what not. I don't know what
I'd do without y'all. Probably what I did in junior high, which was mope around and be angsty 24/7. *Big mushy glomp via internet*

<3 <3 <3,


  1. So I'm sitting here playing with this lint roller, reading the latest post, and trying to figure out why cats can't just have permanent, disaster-proof fur instead of shedding all over... :P

    The more imortant question, m'dearie, is WHAT WOULD I EVER DO WITHOUT YOU????? The answer is of course, quite simple: bad things, so let's not find out, hmm?

    I just ate 4 Cheez-Its in your honor!

    Love you to the moon and back!!

  2. Hey, it's Mirandola, did you get a blog too Jetplane? I can't believe ALL of my friends have blogs, but they seem fun, and I'd kinda like to start my own, but I'm not sure I could (would be allowed). Ninja, Lani, Jetplane, if you read this, a little advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1. It's actually very therapeutic, and handy because it means you can just write instead of telling 20 people the same story. Google has a pretty good blog thing, and as long as you remain anonymous and don't put out where you live you should stay pretty safe. um... my one word of advice would be don't talk like a fifth grader online, because trying to read someone who talks like this: omg so like i did this thing AND then he was all who you talkni about craziiiii

      is a very good way to get yourself stabbed.
      You should make one! -<3 Ninja
