Thursday, June 7, 2012

11 Random Facts About My Life

1. Every single piece of clothing I am wearing was bought new for me. As in, none of my clothes that I have on right now are hand-me-downs or were bought from a used clothing store. You have no idea how weird this is. About 80% of my clothes were worn by someone else before me.

2. I am drinking iced coffee that I made all by myself from scratch. Well, the coffee beans were already ground, but whatever. It's not like I can't grind beans if need be. It's not that hard. Plus, it's almost 2 in the afternoon and I'm drinking coffee, so I'll probably stay up until one, which I do anyways, because I'm a teenager and it's summer.

3. I'm obscenely happy right now because a) I found zeeenya's tumblr and she draws Todd Allison and the Petunia Violet, a webcomic that I enjoy and already fangirled over in a previous post and b) I have comments on my last two blog posts by the lovely Ninja.

4. I just had way too much fun with hyperlinks.

5. I had an idea for a short story about a pair of teenaged ghost hunters that is nowhere near as awful as I just made it sound, and then my muse hit me over the head and ran away with my neat, tidy little idea and made it novel-length. Bitch.

6. I will probably post more about above story idea later when I have motivation. Or at least when I have less laziness. I never actually have motivation.

7. I have recently been thinking "I just want to go put a blanket over my head and pretend I don't exist" more than usual.

8. On an unrelated note, I sort-of helped Zarina get over her fear of thunderstorms when we were little by making her put a blanket over her head and pretend she was a sheep. Long story.

9. I really, really, want to see my friends soon, but I'm kind of scared to text everybody. I don't know why. So I put it on my blog because I know a couple of them read it. I'm so stupid sometimes.

10. I can't wait until I'm out of high school and I can live by myself. Then, I can sleep in when I want to, I can eat whatever I want, I won't have to hide my writing, and if I want to throw my pants on the floor, I will, because they're my pants and my floor. Plus, no one will ever tell me that I need to go do something and I can sit on my computer and avoid people all I want to.

11. I recently got Francine (my computer) back, 'fixed'. My screen's been freezing up, my internet's working even less than usual, and the screen went totally black yesterday for no reason. Definitely. Not. Fixed. Once Dad gets back, I'm asking him to reinstall SystemMechanicPro and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, because whoever 'fixed' Francine installed avast! Free Antivirus and it kind of sucks. And I just happen to really like SystemMechanicPro. So there.



  1. Rawr I'm leaving Saturday but when I get back, hopefully, my mom will have moved in so I can have a party! Which probably means a lot of teenagers playing with Harry Potter legos in my attic and watching TV on my laptop. Sound good?

    1. RaeRae the JetplaneJune 10, 2012 at 9:36 AM

      Yes, Zena lovey, that sounds FABULOUS. Yes, I AM
      creepin' on your comment.

      Lani, I am so insanely happy that I have found a fellow SystemMechanicPro fan! Good God Almighty, that sounded geeky... Hold on- *calls into the distance* MOTHER!! Where did you put my lucky pocket protector?????

      Also, I'm going to text you today, and then tomorrow you can text me first. We shall alternate like so until your fear of texting people who love you to the moon and back for some unknown reason goes away. All in favor?

      Love ya to the moon and back!

    2. (Mirandola) Brilliant as usual Jetplane! I've been thinking I want to have you all over to my house for a "Yay, I love summer!" pool party, but I don't know when, maybe some evening in July.

  2. I was never afraid of thunderstorms . . .

    And I don't remember ever pretending to be a sheep with a blanket over my head. Your memory is screwed up.

    1. Oh, it happened, believe me. It was around Christmastime, I think. Easter, maybe.
