Sunday, November 6, 2011

Those Awkward Silences...

     People will say the most stupid, random stuff to keep a conversation going. I was at the house of a girl in my bio class to work on a project, and after we were done there was this random stretch of down time while I was waiting for my dad to come. We went outside, and I have to laugh at some of our conversation.
"That's a really red leaf."
"Yeah. That one's red too."
"The plant's green. That's odd."
     And lame stuff like that. We both knew how idiotic we sounded but didn't point it out. When you're around people you don't know, you'll say almost anything to keep up the conversation (this is a challenge for people like me). When you're around your best friend, you can just look at them and tell them they sound like an idiot. Oh, and this isn't the post I spent so long on. I'm still rewriting that. One of my blog views is from a site promoting dental implants. -.- So, if you are reading this and you're a real person, it'd make my week if you'd leave a comment! Please?

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