Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Pearl of Wisdom From Me to You

Dearest Readers:

When you are texting an attractive boy at 12:42 AM after you have had a serious emotional conversation and you are in the process of saying goodnight, as in the example below-

Him: Sweet dreams, [Insert Nickname Here]... *yawn*
You: Shut up and go to sleep
Him: Maybe you should ask nicely xD

Do not, I repeat, do not send him Go the Fuck to Sleep through picture messages. That is a Bad Move on your part.

Goddamit did I really just do that yes I did.

Stay tuned for future failures from your favorite fuck-up!


Okay it wasn't all that bad 'cause he kinda just laughed it off and I think we're okay but wow really Lani this guy just poured his heart out to you and you send him "You know where you can go? The fuck to sleep."

Guess who wins all the awards for sensitivity and excellent communication skills? Not fucking me.


Sunday, July 21, 2013


So I've been gone for a while. And by a while, I mean almost ten months. Whoops.

Why? The short answer is that my depression got better, then it got worse, and I'm not really sure what it's doing right now.

I don't have a long answer for you, because I really don't know why I gave up on this blog.

But hey, I'm back! (Hopefully.) You can all return to reading about my shitty teenage problems! It's enticing, I know.

Also, I seem to have gained like five followers during my break. So hello, I guess. Welcome? Enjoy your stay?

Quick Rundown of My Life at the Moment:

- I've turned sixteen.
- I'm still so virginal it hurts.
- My horse has been sold (which was a good thing, so yes, I'm alright with it).
- If possible, I'm even more of a bitch than I was before.

So that should be sufficient. Honestly, I'm glad to be back. I really am.
