Ninja and I decided girls should be able to wear bathing suits to school. I wouldn't mind, really. I mean, the main concern would be sluttiness, but girls can dress slutty no matter what the dress code is. Plus, summer is freaking HOT. Anyways, this summer I plan to wear a bikini and shorts a lot. Or a sports bra and riding tights. My excuse is that, as a not-fat high school girl, it's what I'm supposed to do. Ninja said that someone should invent a swimsuit top that scans DNA so only the wearer can take it off (to prevent the obvious problems of teen boys and untieable tops). I said duct tape.
I've been listening to God Damn You're Beautiful by Chester See. Dammit, I nees a sweet guy who'll sing me songs like that and say "I fucking love you." Which brings me to something that's been on my mind.
Dear 'nice guys',
It's true, girls do appreciate sweet guys. You are on the right track. But I see you've been complaining that girls never like you and this is turning yall into assholes. You tell them to PLEASE go for the guys who'll apreciate them. Here's a thought: take your own advice. Stop going for the shallow ones. Not all of us are bitches.
A Nerd Girl
It needed to be said.