Sunday, March 4, 2012

Choir Conference

     As I write this, I'm sitting in a hotel that I'm staying at for honor choir. My dad ordered room service for me, so I'm trying to figure out how a teenager is supposed to eat all this.
      In attempting to make coffee, I just spilled it all down my legs.

     A bunch if other kids have their parents here and they all go around together. My dad has a meeting today, so I'm kinda on my own, which is fine because I can take care of myself, but still weird.

     Of COURSE I would get my period now. Great. For singers, that one joyful week knocks off the top few notes of your range, and all my music is super high.
     I just had to ask my dad to buy me tampons. That was embarrassing. He got the cardboard ones too. Those are such a pain to shove up your vagina.

     I'm really starting to wish I'd worn jeans instead of shorts.

     There is apple juice in my chocolate smoothie. I watched them make it.

     I actually made friends! I'm so proud of myself! Arkansas is an eight grader in, well, Arkansas, and Oklahoma's a tenth grader.

     I don't miss school all that much. I miss my friends, yeah, and I miss theater and english (can't exactly miss choir). And my lunch table.
     I don't miss all the stupid people, that's for sure. Rehearsal starts at 9, so I can get up at 7 instead of 5:30. Yay!

     We sing like Ursula, not Ka the snake.

     In sectional rehearsals, the coordinator told the second sopranos to go to room 2B- b for boy "because you all like boys, amiright?" At that point I really wanted to yell "lesbian pride!"

     Oklahoma and I were talking about swapping sections. She goes from alto to soprano on a regular basis. She says she's bisectional.

     It's the day of the concert and I feel like absolute shit. My head is pounding, my shoulders hurt, and worst of all, I'm coughing and I've got a weird feeling in my chest. Hopefully I'll still be able to sing.
     I'm going to have to walk over a bridge, down a few halls, and across three blocks in heels. Oh joy.
     I feel a little bit better after lots of coffee.
     I'm in my room before the concert, and I feel bad again. I'm drinking every throat remedy I have. Currently, I'm laying in bed quietly being miserable. Dad's watching Die Hard, which accurately describes my current situation. Dying.

     I made it through the concert and I didn't pass out on stage. I never really knew how much breath control I had until then. I'm proud of myself.

     I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone really. I didn't see Oklahoma afterwards, and Arkansas just waved at me. I would have liked to actually say "goodbye, it was nice to meet you. You've got an
amazing voice for your age and hopefully I'll see you next year!", but nope. Whatever.

     Now I get to go to winter formal while feeling like death.


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