Saturday, April 14, 2012

Random Crap and a Rant on Shakespeare

     I've been feeling kind of shitty lately. Maybe it's just that I want summer to be here already, maybe I'm just tired of having to deal with stupid people at school, or maybe my depression's creeping up on me. I'm scared to death of that last one.

     I watched myself in a theater recording today, and realized that I have a really annoying voice. Gah.

     I keep writing stuff and then not finishing it. I should stop that.

     I'm tired, can you tell? I don't know why, I've actually been going to bed at around 10:30 this week.

     I FINALLY read The Hunger Games. Don't ask me for opinions, I'm still mulling it over.

     I met a hipster today in biology. She has rainbow hair and hates things that are mainstream, even if she liked them before they were popular. I think she needs a better reason to hate things than that.
    In biology I am being encouraged to draw dicks in the name of science. See, we get three systems of the body and we have to draw a picture and explain how they interact. Our group got circulatory, urinary, and reproductive. Guess where my mind went. So, now my group members and I are trying to think of a way to connect all these without the sketching male genatalia, even if our bio teacher absolutely brought it on herself.

      Tybalt hisses at small children and Romeo (the one from the play, not my Romeo) can't get his shirt to stay on (not that I mind, considering his six-pack), and Mercutio is the male equivalent of The Sassy Black Friend.

     I just went on to my balcony and read Juliet's speech to Romeo aloud. That's not too weird, right?

     I don't think normal teenagers like Shakespeare this much. I love him though, he was a genius. I have this weird love for the rythm of iambic pentameter, which I try to work into my writing. I sometimes read sonnets aloud, not because I understand them, but just becasue I like the flow of the words.

     When the teacher goes "We're reading Shakespeare!" and the class goes "Ugh, Shakespeare," I'm the one weirdo who's all "Shakespeare, yeah!"

     I would love to be a Shakespearean actress someday.


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