Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fail 'Supah' Ninja

     You know what I find funny? My guy friend who we'll call SwimmerBoy is, well, kind of a chick magnet. I think of him as sort of an older brother, so we've got a pretty chill relationship. Anyways, he posted a picture of himself on Facebook with underwear on his head, hiding his face. He'd written 'Supah Underwear Ninja' across the picture.
     Now, my first thought when I saw the picture was Oh, SwimmerBoy, you're such a freak. Haha I bet your sister is incredibly embarassed by this. :P (I ride horses with his sister). In the comments, some girl had written 'cuute! ;)'. Wow. The things girls do for guys makes me laugh. SwimmerBoy doesn't even want a girlfriend...
     Anyways, that made me laugh. :P SwimmerBoy is not as good of a ninja as Ninja.

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