Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, and Tape It the Heck Back Together

     I own one pair of flipflops. Sad but true. I used to have three, but riding camp murdered them all. They were the cheap rubber ones, so it's no surprise. Anyways, I own a pair of decently made blue flipflops that I've has since the summer. The right one has broken twice, and so I duct taped it back together. Each time the duct tape comes apart, I add more tape. There are currently 4 layers.
     The most common response I get is "why don't you just new ones?" My response was "wait, you can do that?"
     See, I grew up not having oodles of money. My family wasn't poor, but we weren't breathing easy either. I'm used to working off the cost of board for my horse and such. So when my shoe broke, I automatically thought 'just tape it. I can make it last.'
     My dad got a promotion around six months ago, so now we don't have to worry. Still, though, I find it hard to change my mindset. I'm weird that way.

1 comment:

  1. Those flip flops are amazing, seeing they survived us walking through the moat.
