Friday, February 10, 2012

I Spend Too Much Time on the Internet

Ohmigoodness I am moving here.
     This post is most likely going to be a bunch of random crap becasue I spend too much time on the internet.
     Anyways, I'm thinking about getting an account on deviantART. I'm already on there a fair bit, and I could upload some of my writing, I guess, and maybe some photography. I suck at drawing/painting, but writing is art too!
     Anyways, I've been looking at too many Harry Potter pages on Facebook.
The phrases 'herpin' my derp' and 'lollin' all over the place' are officialy added to my vocabulary.
     Yeah. Too much internet. Anyways, I've been editing some of my writing and I'm feeling rather inadequate. T.T
     I find it much harder to critique my friend's writing than critiquing the writing of complete strangers. I don't want to hurt her feelings, so I can;t exactly tell her "watch out, your character is too perfect- she's straying into Mary-Sue territory. Get rid of the big long paragraphs describing how she gets ready in teh morning. Reinstate the dress code and your making the love interest OOC." I have no problem telling that to a total stranger, though.
     I think I'd like to beta a story. I'd most likely need a account, though, another thing on my to-do list.
     So, that's the very top layer of my brain. Scared yet?


  1. I hate my characters, they're either perfect or just nothing. You must always warn me, okay?

  2. you SHOULD get a deviantArt!!! Just so i can stalk you more. muahaha
