Wednesday, June 6, 2012


     My dad just came into my room and started poking around like a creeper. LOLWUTNO. Randomly going though the room of your teenage daughter is weird. Teenager in question does not appreciate it.
     He walked in as I was taking tags off stuff/on the computer/playing with the rubber band.
Me: ...?

     Then, he walked around my room, exaiming various bits of flotsam. Then he picked up a notebook that was lying open in which I had been scribbling a scene of one of my stories.
     And he read it.
     Let me repeat myself: He read my writing without permission.
     Nonononono. You do not ever ever pick up writing and just read it. No. That is my personal work and I will share it when I choose to do so. Just flipping through stuff I have laying around is rude, disrespectful, and a good way to get me to lose my shit really quickly. Especially if you've been walking around my room repeatedly picking up my stuff and asking "what's this shit?" AFJKGFKGGFAFEBH TABLE FLIP.
     Actually, if, say, you were to just look through my hard drive at my stuff that isn't fanfiction or awful poetry, I'd be cool with it. ('You' being you, the one reading this, because I probably know you in real life. If not, hello! I'm sure you're very nice.)
     So, Dad, I realize you consider the entire house yours and you're Batman and stuff, but going through my writing while asking "the hell is this?" makes me cry.


  1. My mom once read a journal I was keeping at her house while I was at my dad's house. I had written something in it about something she did that bothered me, so guess what she did: SHE ANSWERED. She wrote a fucking reply in my journal calling me a liar and how I was remembering wrong.

    If that journal didn't have a kick-ass cover on it I made of purple duct tape and other awesome words, then I would have BURNED THAT SUCKER.

    The point of this story is I can relate. *table flip*

  2. RaeRae the JetplaneJune 10, 2012 at 9:46 AM

    When I was 6, I was putzing around the church and found some strangely shaped scraps of pretty paper. Being the bookworm I am, I made one into a bookmark, and because I was at church I figured it should say something about praying. So I wrote, "Pray. God ain't gonna bless you 'till you pray!"

    I realize now how very, very against Luthran theology that is, but hey, I was 6.

    My mom found it sitting around one day, took a Sharpie to the message, and wrote me a letter underneath about how we clearly needed to have a talk because I had it all very wrong and didn't I learn anything from church??

    Like Zena, point is, I'm empathizing and crying on the inside for you.
    Love ya to the moon and back!

  3. Oh God my mom found a Soul Eater fanfiction I had a hard copy of, I wrote it at school where there was no computer. And she read it. She then told me and I wanted to fall through the floor and die. She said it was really good and I still wanted to die. I asked her not to read anymore of my stories until I was finished with them. I then promptly destroyed the evidence.
