Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Post in Which I Talk About Typical Teenage Girl Things. And Zombies.

     As a general rule, I dislike clothes shopping unless I am with my friends (because having your fellow idiots around makes everything better. ...Love y'all?). So, I went to Forever 21 with my mother and sister today because I need clothes that aren't riding tights or tank tops. Also, I had a gift card.
     The employees were rather unfriendly, and in the whole entire huge department store, there was only one dressing room. >.< So there were people there and it was notfun.
      But, I came away with a turquoise v-neck, some shorts, and a very nice skirt. That has suspenders. Suspenders. I am absolutely donning that skirt in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Not necessarrily becasue I think I'll fall to the zombies, but, yanno, just in case. Is currently crippled from ill-fitting field boots and at the moment perfect zombie fodder.
     Thoughts Upon Trying Skirt of Awesomeness:
1. Abovementioned use in zombie apocalypse.
2. If I can find a leather corset and aviator goggles, I could totally dress steampunk!
3. I WILL own a pair of suspenders, dammit! I WILL!

    So yeah. Boing Lani is boring.

     But suspendersssssss. Or braces, depending on how British you are. Maybe even add a bowtie. Or a fez. Go for a Stetson, if you're feeling badass. Be aware though, Stetsons are American.

     I apologize if the above paragraph made no sense to you. You poor, child, deprived of a wonderful fandom. Go watch Doctor Who, young one.

1 comment:

  1. I finally re-found my suspenders today, I have a cloth vest you can borrow (although I want it back if my boobs ever get big enough to wear it) and if you find goggle buy me a pair too! I'll pay you back!

    Also when the zombie apocalypse comes, lets burn the mall first, bcuz the people who are "smart" enough to hide out there are going to become zombies bcuz those places are terrible places to hide from zombies.
