Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oh, The Shame!

I just scrolled through all of the old facebook pictures I have up, and it made me want to cry. Not the pictures themselves, as they were mostly nondescript headshots of my horse, but my comments and whatnot... ugh. Honestly, was I that much of an imbecile?

I don't just mean overuse of 'lol'. I mean 'c' for 'see', 'u' for 'you', 'your' for 'you're', 'you're' for 'your', and other such atrocities. I mean, I realize that I only recently became serious about my writing and speaking English properly, but goodness grief did I really suck that badly? *shame*

Not only am I guilty of awful annoying grammar, I also discovered that I had next to no sense of humor and no sense of how to work the internet.

I apologize to all of you who had to put up with me. Honestly, I want to travel back in time to smack myself in the face.


1 comment:

  1. (Mirandola) How dare you say that you have no sense of humor! You are one of the funniest people I know, almost everyone abbreviates things on the Internet, and who cares if you occasionally mix up "your" and "you're"? I (platonically) love you for who you are and I forbid you from smacking yourself in the face whether it's back in time, right now, or after the end of the world... Which actually won't be12-21-12 because archaeologists found a new site with a Mayan calendar that goes past that date.
