Friday, October 19, 2012
Anyways, I don't feel like writing a 5 page expository essay on all the stuff that has happened, so I'm just going to start with stuff that happened today.
All I have to say is that Fangirl (known as SeaHorse on Ninja's blog) had better hope that gel highlighters come out of denim. Otherwise she owes me a pair of jeans.
All of my friends are fabulous and beautiful. I love you all dearly.
Anyways, my mother is pissed at me all the time and I don't know why, my dad getting all meddlesome and controlling about my grades even though I have straight A's, thanks very much, and I just really want to move out right now, okay?
I'm tired of writing now.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
No More Sluttiness For Me
I made 12th chair at choir district auditions.
I have also realized that I have been acting like a lesbian whore to get a boyfriend, so I am going to stop that.
I might go into more detail on this later. I don't know. I'm really tired at the moment.
Friday, September 28, 2012
What happened is that I was gone for awhile, and awhile got longer and longer because I was putting off writing a "I've-been-gone-and-here's-what's-happened" post.
So I won't.
Anyways, today was the homecoming carnival at school and it was a lot of fun. I hung out with Mirandola, Jetplane (who I never anymore and it's awful), Ninja (who I don't see either (equally awful)), and a girl in my choir who I shall call SopranoBuddy for now.
We did normal teenage girl stuff, I serenaded everybody because I'm fabulous, and yeah. Then SopranoBuddy left and it was our little group of three. Romeo came and hung out for a while too. And it was all very fun.
(This is totally just a post about all the random shit on my mind.)
Monday, August 13, 2012
I'm Funny When I'm High...
Anyways, I accidentally put too much Orajel in my face, and I realized that I have gums. I mean, it's not like I didn't know they were there before, but your tongue is always touching them and they're like walls in your mouth. I told this to Jetplane and she said they were rather blockade-esque. See, people? This woman understands me.
Also, teeth are really sharp. Like, I-have-many-bladed-knives-in-my-mouth sharp. Knives and walls. How am I the only one to notice this??
Continuing with my recent revelations, lizards are fucking ninjas. (To clarify, I meant to use 'fucking' as an adjective, not a verb, because if I used it as a verb it would imply the ninjas and lizards are getting it on, which is not what I meant at all.) But seriously, have you ever just watched a lizard? They can jump like, really far and shit. And hang upside down from sticks.
P.S. Upon reviewing this, I realized that I have probably, in the last few days, taken enough Tylenol to kill an elephant and accidentally eaten about half my tube of "Generic Oral Anesthetic". I am going to post this anyways because I am hilarious when I'm doped up. Heh.
P.P.S. I feel I should clarify the title. I'm not high, nor have I ever been, but "I'm Funny When I'm High" has a nicer ring than "I'm Mildy Entertaining on Lots of Chewable Tylenol".
P.P.P.S. I think maybe the Tylenol still hasn't worn off.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I pulled a tick off Juliet the other day and now her neck is swelling up from the bite. And it's a really big area that's swollen, too. Like, it's the size of my hand, big.
I don't know what, if any, diseases ticks can transfer to horses, but I'm scared, guys.
So, pray for my horse please? I don't care if you're not religious, do it anyway. This is my horse we're talking about.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Change Is Stupid
And they want to sell my bed and replace it with the one in the guest room.
Like hell. I like my bed, thanks.
I don't do change very well.
Monday, July 30, 2012
A Trip to the Library
First off, I went looking like a band nerd, what with my taped up toe, ponytail, shorts tan lines, and music camp T-shirt.
And then I geeked out over classical literature.
List of Books I Checked Out:
- Dante's Inferno (So excited about this one. Like, you don't even know)
- The Iliad (Again, so freaking excited.)
- A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway (This one's for school, but I'm still pretty pumped.)
- Android Karenina by Leo Tolstoy/Ben H. Winters (Just... awesomeness. It's a revamped Anna Karenina.)
- A Little History of the World by E.H. Gombrich (Again, for school.)
- Beowulf (This one has both the Old English and the translation. It's a bit daunting, I'll admit, but I couldn't resist.)
- and a biography of Sam Houston for some stupid essay contest my mother wants me to enter.
And then I checked out a porn novel to piss off my parents. I flipped through it in the car and hot damn. It's got a shirtless man torso on the cover. Is it sad that this is how I rebel? Also, there's vampires, but from what I've seen it's not stupid like Twilight and they incinerate in the sun like they should.
Then, as I was coming out of the library with my gigantic stack of books, I saw a girl dressed similar to me going in with a gigantic stack of books. We gave each other the badass nod. I love fellow nerds.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Please Tell Me My Problems Are Normal
I went on WebMD because boredom. WebMD basically said "you broke your toe, stupid." Or I could have thrombocytophenia. But it's probably just broken. And by broken I mean a tiny little fracture.
So, I happen to wake up all the time and think "I really don't want to bother with brushing my hair." But I can't just not brush it because my hair is waist length and if I don't I'll be halfway to dreads by the end of the day. Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem.
Music and horses are the best things ever. And also the main components of my life.
Ninja says I should use my money from the essay contest for a nerdy T-shirt. I'm considering it. Plus, I have a $50 savings bond from a different essay contest, so I can buy ALL the T-shirts!
I should enter essay contests for a living. I'd be like a starving artist, but not as cool. I have based this career choice on the fact that I have won two essay contests ever.
Oh, and I was totally kidding earlier about being a semi-finalist. I was a finalist. Meh. Same difference.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
In Which I Lengthily Complain About My Injured Toe
In short, I broke my toe.
Well, my dad says it's sprained, but I say it is broken because MY TOE DOES NOT NORMALLY POINT THAT WAY.
And I can't bend it. I mean, you never realize how used you are to everything working until you tell your toe to move and it won't. As a result, it feels like my toe needs to pop, and I keep trying but it hurtssss. Mleh.
Also, I won an essay contest. We read Anthem by Ayn Rand in English last year and had to send in an essay. Apparently, I was a semi-finalist and won $50. Huh.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Anonymous Psychologist, AKA The Best Superhero Ever
Anyways, I wrote it, put it on deviantART and then forgot about until it was rediscovered tonight and I realized "Hey, this is fucking hilarious."
I should do normal person stuff like sleep and eat food.
Oh, and Sam is totally Ninja.
~~Anonymous Psychologist~~
It was a normal Thursday night and Samantha Jones was curled up on the couch with her boyfriend Mark Smith, watching the late night news. It wasn't too terribly interesting, but hey, it was three in the morning and nothing else was on.
The broadcast that night focused on Anonymous Psychologist, a superhero who had just recently emerged in their city. She'd already had some success in capturing several ringleaders in organized crime, walking them to the police station after only one conversation. All of the resident superheroes were quite miffed by this newcomer- The Flash was trying to file a lawsuit, Antman was attempting to stage protests, and Batman had thrown a fit and was currently pouting in the Batcave. The press was having a field day.
"I don't buy it," said Mark, eyes fixed on the screen. "She just talks to the bad guys and suddenly everything's fixed?"
"Well, sometimes," defended Samantha, "but if talking them through their problems doesn't work, then she kicks their asses. There's a progression to it."
Mark rolled his eyes. "Hilarious, Sam. I bet the only reason Anonymous Psychologist brings down criminals is that tight black jumpsuit. And the red hair, too. No man can resist a redhead," he said, poking Sam in the ribs. Sam blushed, pushing a strand of cherry hair behind her ear. Mark kissed her forehead and the two watched television in silence for a few moments until the news station played a clip of Anonymous Psychologist confronting a gangster. The camera man seemed to be having difficulty concentrating, because the frame kept drifting down from the super heroine's face to her more… curvy regions.
"See?" said Mark, "that's all she does- dazzle people with sex. Pathetic, really."
"It is not! Watch, she's going to talk to the guy." Sam grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. The on-screen gangster could suddenly be heard.
"I think my problem," he said morosely, "is that I wasn't hugged much as a child." He looked up at Anonymous Psychologist, who put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He bit his lip and took a deep breath. "Will- will you hug me?" Anonymous Psychologist smiled, then fluidly stood and wrapped her arms around the man. He stood in her embrace for a moment, then his face changed from hangdog to a moronic grin.
"Aw, yeah, baby," he crowed, reaching for Anonymous Psychologist's ass.
The second his hand brushed jumpsuit-clad skin, the gangster found himself flying through the air and then through three walls, two windows, and a fountain. Anonymous Psychologist stood several hundred feet away, her fist still outstretched. After a moment, she lowered her hand and casually brushed grit off her clothing.
"Take him in, boys," she called to the slack-jawed police standing behind her.
Samantha smacked Mark upside the head.
"Told. You. So."
He held up his hands in mock surrender.
"Anonymous Psychologist gets so many come-ons that she's required by law to arrest anyone who makes a move on her," continued Sam, using Mark's chest as a pillow. "And she does it all to make the world a better place. For justice, Mark. For justice."
Mark chuckled. "Sam," he said, grabbing his girlfriend's chin and looking into her eyes, "you really are the most adorable thing ever." He leaned in and planted a long kiss on her lips.
As soon as he pulled away, he could tell something was wrong. Sam had slid off his chest and was sitting on the other end of the couch, her knees drawn up to her chest. She raised her head to look at him and he saw tears in her eyes.
"Sam? I didn't mean to… I thought… I'm sorry?"
"No, Mark." Sam took a shuddering breath. "I'm the one who's sorry. I never wanted it to come to this, I really didn't, but it's the law. I have to do this. Please believe me when I say I never wanted it to happen."
"I have to arrest you. It's the law, you made a move on me, so I have to bring you in.
I'm so sorry, baby."
"I still don't- are those handcuffs? Why do you have handcuffs?"
Tears dribbled down Sam's face as she locked Mark's wrists together. He stared up at her, still in shock, and mouthed various nonsensical syllables. Sam gently laid her hand against his face.
"Don't you see, Mark? It's me, it's all me. I'm the one saving the world." She took a deep breath and ripped open her shirt.
"I am Anonymous Psychologist."
Mark spluttered for a few seconds, then found his voice.
"Uh, Sam, baby? Not to be a buzzkill, but aren't you supposed to have your superhero costume on underneath your shirt when you do that?"
Monday, July 23, 2012
This is far too much awesomeness.
UPDATE// And listening to it reminded me that I have Allstate music to learn. Whoops.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Then I put on Legend of Korra and that was depressing too, so I switched it to Avatar, but every time I saw Aang I thought "hey. He dies."
Fuck, now I'm sad.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
WTF Is This. I Don't Even...
My mother has decided that I need to keep track of my own schedule, which I am fine with, but she decided this on Sunday and didn't let me know until Tuesday.
Cassie has horse camp this week, but it was really rainy and mom kept saying "I don't know if she'll be able to do camp." "I don't think camp's gonna happen." and such. So, I assumed that there was no camp. Apparently there was. Thanks a million, mom! (This ties into the self-scheduling thing. Again, I would have liked some warning.)
Maybe I'm just PMS-y. Am I PMS-y?
I just had to use a knife to get my coke open. Do normal people do this?
Have this link to a video of old people performing popular music. Terribly. But, hey, if it makes them happy, then awesome. MUSIC IS FOR EVERYBODY! MUSIC FOR ALL!
To make that up to you, here is another link to Eric Whitacre conducting his own piece 'The Seal Lullaby' which is kind of beautiful and lovely and stuff.
Is it weird that whenever the landline rings, I automatically yell 'NO!' and then go see who's calling?
A telemarketer just called. I picked up the phone, yelled "NO." and then I hung up. I think I might enjoy being a telemarketer just to see the different responses I get.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
What Am I Doing With My Life
Now, I'm using my keyboard as a desk for my laptop while eating an almost-empty box of animal crackers and contemplating various nerdy T-shirts, then remembering that I'm poor.
So yeah.
Also, my shirt is made by a company called 'Redshirts'. This makes me fairly nervous. (Star Trek, anyone?)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
I should join a heavy metal band.
Think about it. My headbanging would be the best ever because my hair would go everywhere. Like a tornado, but less organized. And with hair.
Zarina gave me the 'you-are-too-stupid-to-be-related-to-me' look. Then, of course, I had to jump down from the banister and show her how awesome my headbanging skills are. That was how I discovered that in order for my hair to make a complete flip, I have to headbang really slowly. Also, it takes a lot of effort to fling around that amount of hair. It made my neck hurt after a little bit, not to mention the diziness.
And thus ended my short-lived career in heavy metal.
No One Can Be Told What the Matix Is. You Have to Be Shown.
Fucking hell, Blondie leave me alone or so help me god I will shank you in the face.
Anyways. I am listening to my Allstate music through a Youtube playlist some kind soul set up. I might have just listened to the Tenor/Bass piece like three time. Male choirs, Y U be so beautiful?? Ahem. Sopranos love basses, basses love altos, altos love tenors, tenors love themselves.
Seriously though, all-male pieces are the most gorgeous things ever. It's like dark choclate for your ears. Or an eargasm. Whatever floats your boat. Actually, just listen to this. Gah, I love boys.
Stupid Mozart. Why couldn't you have expressed your tennage in some other way than by writing a twenty-five page piece with no words but "misericordias domini, cantabo in aenum". And then switching rythms and keys every other measure. Holycrap, man. This is going to be a bitch to learn.
One of these days I am going to just haul off and slap my sister. It's gonna happen.
I just changed my screensaver to raining Matrix code. Not gonna lie, it's pretty cool.
I just watched the Matrix and had the obligatory "OMG NOTHING IS REAL" moment.
Zarina is over. Hello, Zarina!
*Zarina waves hello at the computer screen.*
*Zarina is still waving at the computer screen.*
You can stop now, love.
Monday, July 2, 2012
A Day At Work. Or Some Creative Variation Thereof.
It's 5:40 in the morning, what am I doing up? Today, I'm going to work with my dad. Hell if I know why, my mom keeps bugging me to do so.
So yeah, I'm up, it's ungodly early, and shit like so. Be prepared for a running dialogue.
My dad and I are fighting an ongoing battle over my black toenail polish. I relented and took the purple of my fingers because it's "not professional", but he wanted the black gone too. I forgot to take it off and just wore close-toe shoes instead. He gave me the eyeroll/sigh parental thing.
Coffee apparently prevents skin cancer now. Maybe all the coffee I drink will balance out all the time I spend in the sun.
I'm wondering if I should have brought a jacket. My dad didn't, but he keeps his car at around -42°. But I suppose it's a moot point because all my jackets are sweatshirts. Not "professional". But fucking comfy.
There's a building with a big sign that says 'condos'. At first glance it looked like 'condoms'.
I'm kind of killing time until it's late enough to start texting people.
Hey, look, a store with slut clothes. If I ever have a boyfriend who buys me stuff like that, he will be sleeping on the couch for a month.
My dad is taking advantage of my presence to haze all his coworkers. I've already pretended to be Rochelle Osborne, interviewing Dad about his application to the special forces and Teresa Lisbon inquiring about a job because my dad is a total Mentalist fanboy. His boss totally bought it.
Shit You Will Not Find In a Normal Office That My Father Has Laying Around:
- severed ram's head on the wall
- model of a spine that looks disturbingly real
- letter opener that looks like a knife
- sort of table looking thing...? With stuff?
- gavel on a board on a wall
- whatever the hell this thing is
Dad has a meeting, so he stuck me in an unused office and gave me a bible. I guess he forgot he had my phone, and by extension internet.
Two hours. In a room. With nothing but a bible after my phone died. (It wasn't that bad, actually.)
After Dad's meeting was over I did actual stuff that consisted mainly of printing and stapling. The printer was weird and I had to put paper in it five times over a course of around forty five minutes.
It's lunchtime and my dad's outside on his phone. It makes me want to act ten and whine "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE!
There is a strip club right next to my father's office.
I finished printing, stapling, and shuffling papers and now I have nothing to do. Getting up early is catching up with me. I want to go home and fall asleep. Or drink more coffee.
And then the day ends with stuff I don't want to write down because it's boring.
The end. Yay.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
In Which My Horse Swears at Me
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Pictured: Not what I meant. |
My jam is currently 'Up All Night' by Alex Clare. Youtube it, I'm too lazy to hyperlink.
Also, I recommend 'Too Close', which is also by Alex Clare and has some badass dubstep. But back to the above song, it's awesome because the music video is about really dedicated athletes, and (judging by my awful, awful farmer's tan) I'm a really dedicated athlete! Geddit? Geddit?
Plus, I'm often up until all hours of the night simply because my brain thinks sleep is for losers.
However, I think that if I showed up at the barn in the middle of the night to get a good ride in, Juliet would be all "bitch, it's two in the morning and I am trying to sleep. Fuck off." Because she's grumpy like that. But with enough carrots she'd totally let me get on bareback and gallop around in the field. But neither of us would be able to see, so we'd probably run into a fence or something.
I just realized I referred to myself as a 'really dedicated athlete'. The most productive thing I did yesterday was stand in the shower. Like, not even take a shower. I just stood there and got wet. I mean, I was sick, but still.
I just answered the phone and it was some guy I didn't know. I talked in Spanish and he hung up. I AM SO FUCKING PROUD OF MYSELF. He was probably really confused, because I picked up the phone with "hello?" then proceeded to tell him I didn't speak English. It was awesome.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Differences of Opinion
Personally, I think I am personally capable of putting a bullet in somebody's brain. Provided they gave me a reason, of course.
Sometimes I think my mother really doesn't know me at all.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
In the Land of Zarina
First off, it was a dinner theater sort of thing, and the cast helped with the serving because they were understaffed. Let me just say that I was much more comfortable having Zarina as a waitress than I am at most restraunts. Because I hate people and stuff.
I put lots of sweetener in my tea, and it got on my fingers and looked like crack.
The table was rickety and cutting your meat made it jiggle.
We were provided with two forks, one for salad and one for the entree. Let me point out that everyone except me knew which fork to use when, and by everyone I mean my mother, various family, and my seven-year-old sister. Do they learn to differentiate between cutlery in grade school now?
So, all the actors were also waiters. I made a few wactress jokes that nobody found funny except for me.
There were lots of old buildings in the area. I was geeking out. It just really made me want to go and explore. My inner five year old is very prominent.
Because Zarina and I are related, I was obligated to be a total jerk to her and demand repeatedly that my steak be cooked medium rare. They were already cooked. She assured me she'd get right on it and then walked away. Rude. Ahaha I'm such a jerkass. Hahaha. Ha. Heh.
I would like to point out that I have had Harry Potter in 99 Seconds stuck in my head for hours now. Hours.
Dead cricket on the floor.
Live cricket on the floor.
Play was good and stuff. Yay!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Yay Internet
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Found it here |
I kind of want to hug Watson. And Moriarty, but I just want to always hug him in general. Is that bad? I think it's bad. But he's evil, campy, and giggly. Awesomeness.
//Fangirl out.
Small Victories
See, Mom didn't feel like cooking today, so she wanted to order from my friend's parents' restraunt, which I was cool with. She wanted takeout too, which I was also cool with, because that meant I got to eat restraunt food, but at home. Then she wanted me to order, which I was not cool with.
Me: You realize that you are asking me to interact with other people?
Mom: Lani, it's over the phone.
Me: But I don't know how to order takeout over the phone!
Mom: See! It's a perfect opportunity to learn then!
Me: But... I have to talk to people.
Mom: Get what ever you want. And two orders of Pad Thai.
So, I called, ordered, and it was completely ordinary. The guy I was talking to could understand me and vice versa, I could readily answer all of the questions he asked, and there was no awkwardness at all!
Sorry if this seems pointless, but I do go to great lengths to avoid interacting with people I don't know, so this was a small victory for me.
It was just my dad getting home. That makes me sound really paranoid, but I was unaware that he was coming home today. He takes so many business trips that I've stopped keeping track of when he's not here. Which is kind of sad, now that I think about it.
Um, bye, I guess. Love y'all.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Oh, The Shame!
I don't just mean overuse of 'lol'. I mean 'c' for 'see', 'u' for 'you', 'your' for 'you're', 'you're' for 'your', and other such atrocities. I mean, I realize that I only recently became serious about my writing and speaking English properly, but goodness grief did I really suck that badly? *shame*
Not only am I guilty of awful annoying grammar, I also discovered that I had next to no sense of humor and no sense of how to work the internet.
I apologize to all of you who had to put up with me. Honestly, I want to travel back in time to smack myself in the face.
Monday, June 11, 2012
<Creative Title Goes Here>
The lovely RaeRae is now to be known as Jetplane!
Also, I would just like to say a big thank you to all of y'all (is that grammatically correct?) for purpose putting up with all of my weirdness about people and what not. I don't know what
I'd do without y'all. Probably what I did in junior high, which was mope around and be angsty 24/7. *Big mushy glomp via internet*
<3 <3 <3,
Friday, June 8, 2012
Geeking Out. The Usual.
In other news, ohmigoodness this. It links to a video of Nunc Dimittis performed by the goup Voces8. Ah, so amazing. *dies* That 1st tenor solo is flawless, I swear.
I wish I could sing like that 1st soprano. Beautiful. (The other voices are amazing as well, I just tend to pick out the 1st soprano part because that's what I sing.)
The harmony is so amazing and pefect and whycan'tmychoirsoundlikethis.
Why yes, I am geeking out over classical music.
Now I'm listening to The Queen of the Night aria. You've probably heard part of it. Goodness grief so high. The particular version I'm listening to is by Diana Damrau. Someday I will be able to sing like her! Someday!
And then I found this. Which is the same super-hard aria. Sung by a fourteen-year old boy. His high notes are simply fantastic.
The Summation of My Very Existence
While in the shower (the place where I do most of my serious thinking), I contemplated making one of those "how people see me" memes.
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Like so. |
Thursday, June 7, 2012
I Bought A Clock
I just bought a clock, y'all. Not just any clock, either, but a Salvador Dali clock. Bwahaha!
Yup, I just bought one of those. It was a spur-of-the-moment deal where I was rearranging my favorites and I accidentally clicked on ThinkGeek and BAM there was this clock. It was even on sale for like ten bucks. Plus shipping, it ended up being more like twenty, but by then I'd already made up my mind that I was going to own a melted clock, come hell or high shipping.
Then, upon prompting by the website, I made an account, and instead of an 'okay' button, it said 'make it so'. Then I was greeted by a little monkey, who welcomed me to the cult.
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And I mean that literally. |
11 Random Facts About My Life
2. I am drinking iced coffee that I made all by myself from scratch. Well, the coffee beans were already ground, but whatever. It's not like I can't grind beans if need be. It's not that hard. Plus, it's almost 2 in the afternoon and I'm drinking coffee, so I'll probably stay up until one, which I do anyways, because I'm a teenager and it's summer.
3. I'm obscenely happy right now because a) I found zeeenya's tumblr and she draws Todd Allison and the Petunia Violet, a webcomic that I enjoy and already fangirled over in a previous post and b) I have comments on my last two blog posts by the lovely Ninja.
4. I just had way too much fun with hyperlinks.
5. I had an idea for a short story about a pair of teenaged ghost hunters that is nowhere near as awful as I just made it sound, and then my muse hit me over the head and ran away with my neat, tidy little idea and made it novel-length. Bitch.
6. I will probably post more about above story idea later when I have motivation. Or at least when I have less laziness. I never actually have motivation.
7. I have recently been thinking "I just want to go put a blanket over my head and pretend I don't exist" more than usual.
8. On an unrelated note, I sort-of helped Zarina get over her fear of thunderstorms when we were little by making her put a blanket over her head and pretend she was a sheep. Long story.
9. I really, really, want to see my friends soon, but I'm kind of scared to text everybody. I don't know why.
10. I can't wait until I'm out of high school and I can live by myself. Then, I can sleep in when I want to, I can eat whatever I want, I won't have to hide my writing, and if I want to throw my pants on the floor, I will, because they're my pants and my floor. Plus, no one will ever tell me that I need to go do something and I can sit on my computer and avoid people all I want to.
11. I recently got Francine (my computer) back, 'fixed'. My screen's been freezing up, my internet's working even less than usual, and the screen went totally black yesterday for no reason. Definitely. Not. Fixed. Once Dad gets back, I'm asking him to reinstall SystemMechanicPro and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, because whoever 'fixed' Francine installed avast! Free Antivirus and it kind of sucks. And I just happen to really like SystemMechanicPro. So there.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
He walked in as I was taking tags off stuff/on the computer/playing with the rubber band.
Me: ...?
Then, he walked around my room, exaiming various bits of flotsam. Then he picked up a notebook that was lying open in which I had been scribbling a scene of one of my stories.
And he read it.
Let me repeat myself: He read my writing without permission.
Nonononono. You do not ever ever pick up writing and just read it. No. That is my personal work and I will share it when I choose to do so. Just flipping through stuff I have laying around is rude, disrespectful, and a good way to get me to lose my shit really quickly. Especially if you've been walking around my room repeatedly picking up my stuff and asking "what's this shit?" AFJKGFKGGFAFEBH TABLE FLIP.
Actually, if, say, you were to just look through my hard drive at my stuff that isn't fanfiction or awful poetry, I'd be cool with it. ('You' being you, the one reading this, because I probably know you in real life. If not, hello! I'm sure you're very nice.)
So, Dad, I realize you consider the entire house yours and you're Batman and stuff, but going through my writing while asking "the hell is this?" makes me cry.
A Post in Which I Talk About Typical Teenage Girl Things. And Zombies.
The employees were rather unfriendly, and in the whole entire huge department store, there was only one dressing room. >.< So there were people there and it was notfun.
But, I came away with a turquoise v-neck, some shorts, and a very nice skirt. That has suspenders. Suspenders. I am absolutely donning that skirt in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Not necessarrily becasue I think I'll fall to the zombies, but, yanno, just in case.
Thoughts Upon Trying Skirt of Awesomeness:
1. Abovementioned use in zombie apocalypse.
2. If I can find a leather corset and aviator goggles, I could totally dress steampunk!
3. I WILL own a pair of suspenders, dammit! I WILL!
So yeah.
But suspendersssssss. Or braces, depending on how British you are. Maybe even add a bowtie. Or a fez. Go for a Stetson, if you're feeling badass. Be aware though, Stetsons are American.
I apologize if the above paragraph made no sense to you. You poor, child, deprived of a wonderful fandom. Go watch Doctor Who, young one.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Stuffy Sorts of Stuff and Such
But a lot of crap has sort of been going on lately. Not bad crap, just mundane, normal day-to-day life. So, I haven't been writing because I've been busy.
That was a lie. It's mostly becuase I'm lazy. And I actually have been writing, it's just that I've been writing more prose/fiction type stuff than blog posts. But it's mostly because I'm lazy.
Please forgive me, dear readers, and I promise I will try to not be a metaphorical fatass when it comes to keeping up with my blog.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
To My Sister
Dear Blondie,
Please learn to use toothpaste correctly. I am tired of cleaning it off the walls.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I'm Back, Y'all
My cousin's wedding (not Zarina, different cousin) was.... interesting. I was on the verge of tears quite a bit, but I only hid in the bathroom three times, I think, and I managed to make it through the entire evening without breaking down once.
Yeah, my nerves are still shot. I don't want to go back to school, but I do want to see my friends because I'm comfortable around them and interacting at school doesn't make me want to hide under a table. For the most part.
A Letter
Monday, April 30, 2012
We Are Young
Mom: You should write him a story, to show him what he taught you!
Me: ...He taught me how to dodge pens thrown at my head.
Mom: But it would be nice to give him something as a reminder of when he taught.
Me: I am fairly sure he wants to retire to California and never see any of us again.
Mom: *death glare*
Me: *unaffected*
Mom: I remember my mother was a teacher for thirty years, and it meant the world to her when a student wrote her a little note.
Me: She wasn't a teacher like Dr. F.
Mom: She was a teacher.
Me: Did she throw desks around? Did she toss backpacks to hobos in need of fires?
Mom: ...
Me: Exactly.
There was more to that conversation, but it was boring and consisted mainly of my mom telling me I need to show compassion for others. Apparently I'm an unsympathetic, feeling-less robot now. Actually, I'm just really sarcastic and a good liar. There's a difference.
ANYWAYS. I may actually write something after all, but it won't be fluffy and joyful, it'll be cynical and stuff because that's how I write, thankyouverymuch. It'll still be lighthearted and pretty happy because I like the class, but my mother needs to accept that I do not write cheerful shit. End of story. But perhaps I will write down the tale of a girl in Leadership English I who actually survived her freshman year of high school.
We'll see.
P.S. If I ever publish a collection of my flash fiction, I am going to call it "Short Stories and Some Shit". Is that weird?
P.P.S. I have a whole long blog post I need to finish about... stuff I need to finish. It should be somewhat interesting.
P.P.P.S. If you're wondering where the title came from (You weren't? You are now.), try and guess which song I'm listening to.
P.P.P.P.S. I'll shut up now.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Fictional Unvierses Are Better Than Real Life
When I get bored, I pretend I live in fictional universes. To anyone who knows me, that is not a surprise.
In advisory, we had to answer question for this stupid science review. It was too dark to read, so I started answering questions because the winning team got candy. It was a Jeapordy like setup. I got every question right except three that the other team got first. I felt like Hermione.
Usually, my dad makes coffee in the mornings and I steal some of his, but he's gone so I had to make it myself. They need to make coffee machines for idiots. Seriously, I need arrows that say 'put water here' and 'this is the on button'. I was afraid I was putting the water directly on to the electromic part and it would all fizzle out and explode. After awhile, I had a Chrona moment and yelled "I don't know how to deal with this!" Then my mom had pity on me and showed me how to make coffee.
Pottermore is open and I am officially a Slytherin! :D My wand is fir and dragon heartstring, 12 1/2 inches, unyielding. I feel so badass. I suck at making potions, though. Bleh.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I Have a New Mission
My trainer has this habit of rescuing animals off the side of the road. She currently has four dogs and a handfull of cats. One of her dogs, Dyl, is the cutest thing on the planet and needs a home. Plus, he likes me. Can you see where I'm going?
Yes, I am attempting to convince my parents I need a dog. My birthday's coming up, so I can use that, I think. Seriously though, I want a dog. I'm going to start walking the family dog Oreo more often as kind of a hint. I mean, I love Oreo and all, but he's the whole family's and I can't take him to the barn. Plus, if I can save enough for a cheapo car in a year, I can take him places and me, him, and Juliet can all go on trail rides. I'll have a horse, a dog, and the ability to take myself places. That'd be an absolute dream come true.
Random Crap and a Rant on Shakespeare
I watched myself in a theater recording today, and realized that I have a really annoying voice. Gah.
I keep writing stuff and then not finishing it. I should stop that.
I'm tired, can you tell? I don't know why, I've actually been going to bed at around 10:30 this week.
I FINALLY read The Hunger Games. Don't ask me for opinions, I'm still mulling it over.
I met a hipster today in biology. She has rainbow hair and hates things that are mainstream, even if she liked them before they were popular. I think she needs a better reason to hate things than that.
In biology I am being encouraged to draw dicks in the name of science. See, we get three systems of the body and we have to draw a picture and explain how they interact. Our group got circulatory, urinary, and reproductive. Guess where my mind went. So, now my group members and I are trying to think of a way to connect all these without the sketching male genatalia, even if our bio teacher absolutely brought it on herself.
Tybalt hisses at small children and Romeo (the one from the play, not my Romeo) can't get his shirt to stay on (not that I mind, considering his six-pack), and Mercutio is the male equivalent of The Sassy Black Friend.
I just went on to my balcony and read Juliet's speech to Romeo aloud. That's not too weird, right?
I don't think normal teenagers like Shakespeare this much. I love him though, he was a genius. I have this weird love for the rythm of iambic pentameter, which I try to work into my writing. I sometimes read sonnets aloud, not because I understand them, but just becasue I like the flow of the words.
When the teacher goes "We're reading Shakespeare!" and the class goes "Ugh, Shakespeare," I'm the one weirdo who's all "Shakespeare, yeah!"
I would love to be a Shakespearean actress someday.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I'm a Teenage Girl. That Is My Excuse.
So, I have an embarrassing story. If you are grossed out by girl stuff, feel free to skip this.
Anyways, I'm on my period right now, and like absolutely every female ever, I despise it. I spew blood, I'm even bitchier than normal, and my head is just all around messed up. So, I was at school and I go to change my tampon. I'm using the super ones, mind you. I do so and leave quickly so I'm not late. I think nothing of the fact that it hurt like crap to get it in there.
Later, I discover that I must not have taken my old one out, because, yup, there were two. Have you any idea how WEIRD that is? Ugh.
I haven't any clue as to how it happened, but yeah. That is my embarassing story for today.
P.S. I can't believe I actually wrote about this. *embarrassed*
Friday, March 30, 2012
Ninja and I decided girls should be able to wear bathing suits to school. I wouldn't mind, really. I mean, the main concern would be sluttiness, but girls can dress slutty no matter what the dress code is. Plus, summer is freaking HOT. Anyways, this summer I plan to wear a bikini and shorts a lot. Or a sports bra and riding tights. My excuse is that, as a not-fat high school girl, it's what I'm supposed to do. Ninja said that someone should invent a swimsuit top that scans DNA so only the wearer can take it off (to prevent the obvious problems of teen boys and untieable tops). I said duct tape.
I've been listening to God Damn You're Beautiful by Chester See. Dammit, I nees a sweet guy who'll sing me songs like that and say "I fucking love you." Which brings me to something that's been on my mind.
Dear 'nice guys',
It's true, girls do appreciate sweet guys. You are on the right track. But I see you've been complaining that girls never like you and this is turning yall into assholes. You tell them to PLEASE go for the guys who'll apreciate them. Here's a thought: take your own advice. Stop going for the shallow ones. Not all of us are bitches.
A Nerd Girl
It needed to be said.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hot Guys and Green-Haired Girls
I can guarantee it's fantastic because I fell in love with every male character in the series. Actually, I think I fell in love with Todd Allison the moment I saw his face in an ad. He's that awesome.
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I dare you not to fangirl. |
I watched Nice Guys Finish Last by nigahiga (go youtube it, I'm too lazy to hyperlink it), and I may have paused the video at one point to get a better look at the abs of this one guy.
Goodness grief, I am such a girl today!
I'm writing more stuff on my devianART (I'm not to too lazy to hyperlink for shameless self promotion, heheh), and I got a follow from a stranger who likes Death and Ducks! YAY! I'm writing a prequel to it about LeAnne's cell mate Sarah who was accidentally killed. Sarah actually has her own story that I'm not yet finished with. But I'm writing more LeAnne, and I have an idea for a third installment.
Why am I writing so much green-haired crazy lady?
I was in the middle of writing a happy story about Laura, the girl who meets an angel, when LeAnne kicked my door in and told me I needed to write about her some more. I told her to wait her turn, that I was telling Laura's story right now, and she punched Laura in the face. I told her my parents didn’t like her and they wanted me to write less morbid stuff, and she threatened to blast me with her powers that may or may not be real. I held up my Human Geography book and unfinished notes, and she told me she didn’t care about that either. And then Wolfgang bit my finger.
That's actually my author's note for the piece about Sarah's death. I'm weird.
P.S. And thus ends my absence from my blog.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Nothing Really...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
To My Friend's Boyfriend
Then there's me. I'm the friend who thinks that you need a kick to the balls. Not just one kick either, no, but repeated nut-shots. In fact, I think I need to buy you a calendar and pencil in days where I will come find you and then proceed to knee you in the nuts. Believe me, it's nothing personal. I don't dislike you, I just think that if you were to be regularly kicked in the balls, would reduce your jerk-like tendencies. Ah, don't deny it. Every one acts like a jerk sometimes. But I think, with the application of ball-kicking, we could reduce those tendencies in you, Mr. Boyfriend.
I look forward to your response.
P.S. Just in case your wondering, I kick really, really hard.
P.P.S. Your girlfriend read this before I posted it. She was speechless for a moment, then said she loved me.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Various Friends and Their Reactions to Boy Problems
Pug: I don't know if he likes me back though, and I think I'm falling for him, but my other friend likes him too even though she knows I liked him first and...
Mirandola: So, before unfriending him, I sent him a Facebook message telling him to remove my number from his phone and never contact me again in any form or fashion.
RaeRae: What a chicken-headed dick.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Choir Conference
A bunch if other kids have their parents here and they all go around together. My dad has a meeting today, so I'm kinda on my own, which is fine because I can take care of myself, but still weird.
Of COURSE I would get my period now. Great. For singers, that one joyful week knocks off the top few notes of your range, and all my music is super high.
I just had to ask my dad to buy me tampons. That was embarrassing. He got the cardboard ones too. Those are such a pain to shove up your vagina.
I'm really starting to wish I'd worn jeans instead of shorts.
There is apple juice in my chocolate smoothie. I watched them make it.
I actually made friends! I'm so proud of myself! Arkansas is an eight grader in, well, Arkansas, and Oklahoma's a tenth grader.
I don't miss school all that much. I miss my friends, yeah, and I miss theater and english (can't exactly miss choir). And my lunch table.
I don't miss all the stupid people, that's for sure. Rehearsal starts at 9, so I can get up at 7 instead of 5:30. Yay!
We sing like Ursula, not Ka the snake.
In sectional rehearsals, the coordinator told the second sopranos to go to room 2B- b for boy "because you all like boys, amiright?" At that point I really wanted to yell "lesbian pride!"
Oklahoma and I were talking about swapping sections. She goes from alto to soprano on a regular basis. She says she's bisectional.
It's the day of the concert and I feel like absolute shit. My head is pounding, my shoulders hurt, and worst of all, I'm coughing and I've got a weird feeling in my chest. Hopefully I'll still be able to sing.
I'm going to have to walk over a bridge, down a few halls, and across three blocks in heels. Oh joy.
I feel a little bit better after lots of coffee.
I'm in my room before the concert, and I feel bad again. I'm drinking every throat remedy I have. Currently, I'm laying in bed quietly being miserable. Dad's watching Die Hard, which accurately describes my current situation. Dying.
I made it through the concert and I didn't pass out on stage. I never really knew how much breath control I had until then. I'm proud of myself.
I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone really. I didn't see Oklahoma afterwards, and Arkansas just waved at me. I would have liked to actually say "goodbye, it was nice to meet you. You've got an
amazing voice for your age and hopefully I'll see you next year!", but nope. Whatever.
Now I get to go to winter formal while feeling like death.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Shameless Advertisment
"Scaring random people in shopping malls is my favorite pastime."
*I am pantomining Rolling in the Deep as it plays on the radio*
Zarina: I don't know you and most certainly am not related to you.
"Peace love and all that jazz."
*to me* "You could be in a Kingdom Hearts game because you have ridiculously long eyelashes and big feet."
"[In a story she's writing] I'm planning on killing the sister's boyfriend and putting the boyfriend in a coma for a year. My imagination is just a barrel of laughs, isn't it?"
"A geek is someone who eats the head off a live chicken in a circus. Do you do that? I think not, unless you have been keeping secrets."
"What the hell is Wally the Wizard anyhow?"
"Kill it! Kill it with fire! ...or water."
*On Kingdom Hearts pairing Sora x Xion (hinthint they're the same person hinthint)*
"That would either be narcissism or masturbation, whichever way you roll."
"Whoop de doodle doo."
"Your soul is a funny noise."
"The soul! It made another noise!"
Anyways, she's awesome an nearly as crazy as I am. Go read her blog. I order thee. It's PRETTY FRIGGIN AWESOME. Did you just read that in the exact way I would say it? I did.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Panic Attack
My mother just drug me into my old dance studio. Holy crap woman, why are you doing this to me, how dumb are you? This is such an incredibly bad idea. Do you realize that dance is a trigger for me? Do you just not care? Why are you putting me through this, Mom? Whywhywhywhywhy?
Yes, it's been two years since I quit. No, I'm not over it, okay? That was my life for ten years, since before I can remember.
...Sorry about that, but I was having a panic attack and I had to do something.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Drama Llama Update
Hey y'all. So, an update on the TennisChild situation. I texted her this morning and now we're talking about choir. So, I suppose we've gotten over it. Neither of us are particularly good at apologizing, so we've just kind of moved on and ignored it. Whatever works, I guess.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I Hate Drama. So F-ing Much.
I have not been on here in forever. Goodness. Mostly, it's because I'm now on deviantART, so that's entranced me for the past couple days.
TennisChild and I had a fight. I think. It wasn't a yelling 'OMG I H8 YOUZ!!1!!11ELEVEN'. It was more a series of indirect accusations and genral iciness.
See, I was supposed to spend the night over at her house Sun. The thing is, I hate sleeping over there because the sleeping arrangments are always really uncomfortable. So, I called her to ask if we could forego the overnight and have her come over Monday.
And then it exploded in my face.
Her mom called mine to 'express her disappointment' which basically means they bitched at each other for a while. Then TennisChild called me and we had a lovely little frosty conversation while I was cleaning stalls in which she insinuated I was flaky and always cancelled everything. She also told me that had it been HER, she would have gone anyways because she didn't want to disappoint.
Don't try and guilt trip me, TennisChild. If I don't want to sleep over, it shouldn't be such a big deal. I know I'm a bit of a pushover, but not that much. Goodness...
My mom's pissed, but my mom's instinctive reaction to everything is to be pissed and hate everyone, so nbd.
Okay, that was mean and not entirely true.
Anyways, I never meant to cause such drama. God, I hate drama. Especially when it's with my friends, because then I get all spineless and cowardly. Ugh. SOMEONE MAKE IT GO AWAY! People. I dislike people. Everyone should just be a horse. Life would be so much easier then.
I'm going to go now, because thinking about all this makes me feel all twisted inside. Can I just quit life and just ride horses? I can deal with THEM.
Friday, February 10, 2012
I Spend Too Much Time on the Internet
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Ohmigoodness I am moving here. |
Anyways, I'm thinking about getting an account on deviantART. I'm already on there a fair bit, and I could upload some of my writing, I guess, and maybe some photography. I suck at drawing/painting, but writing is art too!
Anyways, I've been looking at too many Harry Potter pages on Facebook.
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The phrases 'herpin' my derp' and 'lollin' all over the place' are officialy added to my vocabulary. |
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Bystander: Lani?
...similar stuff like that becasue how could the epicness NOT be contagious, I mean...
Bystander: Dude, shut up.
...unless you consider me not awesome in which case I'll feel very sad inside if you happen to be someone who's opinions I care about, but if you're that denture cream website that I keep getting hits from, I just might flip you off. Jus' sayin'.
Bystander: LANI.
Bystander: STOP. TALKING.
Oh... okay then. I'll just go to sleep now... adios.